Syarat menjadi Admin MIg33

Dibawah ini adalah syarat menjadi Admin mig33 :
- Minimal ID/Nick Mig33 yang sudah didaftarkan berusia 6 bulan
- Tidak pernah di Banned/ di Kicked sama Admin Mig33
- Dapat berbahasa english
- Minimal online 6 Jam setiap hari
- Tidak pernah nge room, hanya pvt saja
- Kalau bisa Id yg di daftarkan sudah memiliki level 30 ke atas

 Kirim email kamu ke dan
 Berikut ini adalah format email yang akan kamu kirim menjadi Admin Mig33 :
Dear mig33 team, I wish there is a possible opportunity to work in your team as an admin. I am sure that my experience as a nice migger and good english writter. I hope that i may be granted as an admin. Yours truly (nick anda) i was born in November,10 1989, come from Indonesia. I am a college student in information and communication technique. I was online with mig33 almost 12 hours a day. Indeed, I fond of this application. But I feel disturbed everytime I joint the room and find the flooder. I attracted to be an admin because I hate if every time I joint the room and find the multy kicker and flooder that of course will disturb other user and I my self. I want to keep any room from any disturber and help any user in orther to use this application comfortablely


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