Cuma kalo PC kalian ga terproteksi antivirus bagus PC kalian akan masuk virus worm
yang SENGAJA DI letakan didalam TOOLs..
jadi anda JANGAN Download APlikasi INI...
sebab ada script Worm di dalam aplikasi ini......
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cermati coba:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft|Windows\Polices\Run\Stask socket.exe
set infek socket to C://System32socket.exe
HKLM\Software\Microsoft|Windows\Polices\Run\Stask socket.exe
iTu yang saya kasi warna merah saya edit sedikit biar paham pada registry
Translate to english language:
look try:
HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft | Windows \ Polices \ Run \ Stask infection socket set to C: / / System32socket.exe
HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft | Windows \ Polices \ Run \ Stask socket.exe
I gave it a red color I edited a bit let me know the registry
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