3-IN-1 (T3RMIN4T0RZ)


* These tool can change 20idz password at a time.
* It can chake balance of 20idz.
* It can save 4sets of 20idz.
* It got option to choose, if use same password or diffrent passwords.
* Auto connect on tool open.
* You can login all idz at ones or 1 by 1 at a time.
* Whats fun, it got a pvt flooder, i just added it to have some fun, please reconnect after useing pvt flooder. It connects and logs in fast so no wories.
* No need to reconnect all your idz if on 1 Id some erors acure e.g. incorrect mig33 password, disconnected....., you can just reconnect 1 than to reconnect all and login them again

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