thats why he hack mig33 staff id
yesterday mig33 staff ayeong hack today eastern_star sir
if next time any mig33 staff hack again then
then mig33 staff will not reply in mig33 too
how scocking is this
if you find this script in your privat then dont reply there
if you reply your id will be hack
be care guys.
Tips for prevent from hacking.
Dnt reply any script if u gt in pvt:) special dey using gals id for it n b safe .
Dnt use any pc browesr for login ur id. Cz hacker using browser cookies n sessions.
Lol they are using some kind of JAVA scripts to get the username & passwords of users.. but we are safe if we are not using or for chating. Javascripts returns output only on the port 80 based programmes means WEBrowsers.. Lol..
Open page and login there.. Then type the following codes on the address bar of it-
Translate to indonesian language:
jangan balas skrip apapun jika u gt di pvt:) dey khusus menggunakan gals id untuk itu nb aman.
jangan browesr apapundi pc id anda login. Cz hacker cookie browser menggunakan n sesi.
Lol mereka menggunakan beberapa jenis script JAWA untuk mendapatkan username dan password pengguna .. tetapi kita aman jika kita tidak menggunakan atau untuk chating. Javascript mengembalikan output hanya pada program 80 pelabuhan berdasarkan berarti WEBrowsers .. Lol ..
Buka halaman dan login di sana .. Kemudian ketik kode berikut pada address bar itu-Kode:javascript: alert (document.cookie)
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