App Ukuran Pas Photo

Aplikasi ini Buat cetak Photo berbagai ukuran termasuk ukuran Pas Photo (2x3, 3x4, 4x6), Bagi yang punya printer, cetak sendiri saja pake ini software,gampang, praktis, ekonomis dan gak perlu nunggu lama.

Suport untuk semua versi Windows.

semoga Berguna......

Di Karenakan Program default nya ga ada ukuran buat cetak Pas Photo, maka sudah disertakan Template nya di sini, tinggal di open saja File nya sesuai dengan ukuran yg di inginkan, trus klik drag aja fotonya, tinggal Print, beres deh.
Sebelum nge print pastikan setting print margin nya 0 semua terutama margin kiri agar fotonya nggak terpotong,

Silahkan Coba......

Translate to english:
This application Create a photo print of various sizes including Pas size photo (2x3, 3x4, 4x6), For those who have a printer, the print itself just use this software, easy, practical, economical and not have to wait long.
Suport for all versions of Windows.
Useful hopefully ......

The default program it in because there are sizes for print ga Pas Photo, then it is included template here, stay in his file open only in accordance with which the desired size, then click drag wrote his picture, lived Print, OK deh.Before jamming the print confirm the print setting its margin 0 left margin for all especially his picture not truncated,
Please Try ......

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